Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Progress for project 4


For this project, I think I’ll make a fight scene that incorporates the viewer(computer screen). It’ll probably not be this dude but I will draw it in his style. 


  1. Austin, I am so excited to see how yours turns out. I love that you keep incorporating your own drawings into the projects (digital or not).

  2. I can't wait to see what you do. I love that you use drawings in your projects and I think the textures are going to come out really cool.

  3. This drawing is so interesting and your idea is a cool concept. I love the drawing style you incorporate into your work.

  4. Awesome illustration! Once you digitize it I can see this style meshing really well with a glitchy-computerized style, and that starts to function as a metaphor for the competition between traditional and digital media

  5. The detail on this is amazing! I applaud your patience. This is going to look so cool when finished, it's already so fun to look at!


final final

 I decided to keep the cartoony guy because it would be too graphic